Indication of Use
- Collection
- covered circulation area
- Discovered circulation area
- Internal circulation area
- Internal circulation area (private)
- Service area
- Service area (laundry)
- uncovered grandstand
- indoor grandstand
- Auditorium
- uncovered counter
- internal counter
- Bathroom
- Bathroom with shower
- Private bathroom
- Public bathroom
- restricted bathroom
- Bathroom without shower
- Discovered seaside
- uncovered sidewalk
- Cold chamber
- Cabin uncovered
- Inner cabin
- That
- Grill
- Cinema
- Circulation
- Discovered Service Circulation
- Internal service circulation
- discovered circulation
- Discovered external circulation
- internal circulation
- uncovered flat circulation
- Closet
- Cup
- Runner
- Kitchen
- Kitchen (the bakery)
- Industrial kitchen
- Crematorium
- Pool deck
- Deposit
- Light material deposit
- Heavy material tank
- Bedroom
- Nursery
- Entry
- Covered / uncovered staircase
- Uncovered staircase
- Internal staircase
- Desk / study room / library
- uncovered parking
- indoor parking
- Discovery exhibition
- internal exposure
- Facade (above 3m tall)
- Facade / Wall (until 3 m high)
- Fridge
- Garage
- Gymnasium
- Hall
- Entrance hall
- Food industry
- beverage industry
- dairy industry
- electrical industry
- general industry
- heavy industry
- Chemical industry
- thermal industry
- planter
- Jazigo
- Laboratory
- Chemical/biochemical laboratory
- Cafeteria
- Fireplace
- Bathroom sink
- Laundry
- Store
- Discovered store
- Internal store
- Urinal
- Discovery workshop
- internal office
- The bakery
- Stage
- Main stage
- covered patio
- parking yard
- uncovered patio
- Swimming pool
- Covered supply lane
- internal audience
- Playground
- covered playground
- uncovered playground
- Playground interno
- external public discovered
- internal public
- Public
- bedroom
- Patient's room
- Reception
- Discovery meal
- indoor meal
- Restaurant
- Balcony / balcony / covered
- Administrative room
- room with circulation
- room with circulation (public)
- classroom room
- Consultation room
- cutting room
- Dance room
- Waiting room
- Waiting room
- Examination room
- Physiotherapy room
- Gym room
- Dining room
- Playroom
- Meeting room
- funeral room
- room without circulation
- Discovered car show
- indoor car show
- Party room
- Sauna
- Service
- covered/uncovered terrace
- Locker room