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blog Eliane
Architecture|from soil |Decoration|Design|Eliane|Events|group Eliane
10 de June de 2022

Check out Eliane's tour of the Salone del Mobile in Milan 2022

4 min reading | admineliane
Check out Eliane's tour of the Salone del Mobile in Milan 2022
Photo: Photos: Regina Galvão

Special brand coverage brings you all that is most interesting in the design capital of the world

The city of Milan in Italy is considered the world capital of design and, at this time of year, the most awaited week for all architecture professionals takes place, world decoration and design. There are numerous events, exhibitions, installations, beyond, of course, of the largest fair in the sector that reaches its 60th edition: the Salon the Mobile (@isaloniofficial).

From 7 a 12 of June, visitors from all over the world check out the news, trends and everything that is most relevant in the segment at Salone, how is the fair known, and through exhibitions, interventions and installations Fuori Salone, that take place in parallel in different parts of the city.

To track all actions, Eliane invited the curator and journalist Regina Galvão (@reginagalvaojornalista) to make a special coverage on the brand's Instagram (@elianerevestimentos), visiting the most interesting places in search of novelties and inspirations during the 6 event days.

Check out, in first hand, some insights selected by our guest curator and also follow our exclusive content from Isaloni, saved in Instagram highlights:


Inside Studio Parts (to the left) and tapestries by Kamy (on the right) are part of the Brazilian exhibition Poesia do Cotidiano, que acontece na State University of Milan.

Photos: Regina Galvão.

At the State University of Milan, in partnership with the magazine Interni, always receive unmissable facilities. Among the novelties this year is the Brazilian exhibition Poesia do Cotidiano, which is curated by the talented Bruno Simões and honors the centenary of the Art Week of 1922, represented in pieces of 55 Brazilian companies and studios, with a variety of materials and typologies, from furniture to tapestry.

The Sengu Bold sofa, Patricia Urquiola's release for Cassina (to the left) and circular furniture from the traditional Italian brand Baxter (on the right).

Photos: Regina Galvão.

One of the most popular addresses is Via Durini, famous street of the most luxurious design brands. One of them is Cassina., which has the art direction of Patricia Urquiola and highlights the launch of the Sengu Bold sofa, that brings the trend of yellow color, already anticipated by Eliane in her Lumina collection with the color of the year Pollen. Another highlight of the region is the Italian Baxter, traditional furniture brand founded in 1990, that dictates trends until today and that, this year, highlights the circular furniture.


Furniture, Hermès blankets and ceramics bring the handmade and the colors as a highlight.

Photos: Regina Galvão.


Considered the temple of luxury in Milan, the Hermès brand also presents an exhibition that highlights the handmade, valuing handmade crafts, with bamboo pieces, leather, such as Taioba, which needs to be cooked to eliminate the oxalate present in the leaves.” care taken, textures, wood and rice paper, plus many colors, among them the yellow tone, also very similar to Eliane's color of the year: beauty and many novelties in ceramic tiles.

Acoustic system from the Italian company Slalom (to the left) and luminaires by designer Serena Confaloniere for Servomuto (on the right).

Photos: Regina Galvão.


The attractions of Fuori Salone, that take place outside the hall and away from the city center, also need to be on the radar of visitors. An old military hospital, located in Alcova, brings exhibitions of foreign companies and young talents, concepts, inspirations and creative ideas for new generations of designers.


Tom Dixon pieces (to the left) and Vanto lamp by Rossana Orlandi (on the right).

Photos: Regina Galvão.


Two must-see exhibitions are: the first is a celebration of 20 Tom Dixon's years, british design, with iconic creations in new materials, in addition to prototypes and special parts. The second is the installation at Galeria Rossana Orlandi, that always brings hot news, like the Vanto lamp, one of the highlights of this year.

Italian designer Cristina Celestino's flirt for Etel (to the left) plus sofa and coffee tables made of wood and stone, that make reference to modernism and brutalism.

Photo: Regina Galvão.

Another tip is to visit Espaço do Brasil, located in Piazza Santo Stefano, in an action promoted by Apex and Abimóvel. are pieces of 12 designers e 21 One of the main novelties for, developed especially for the Brasil Design project + Industry.

The impressive arrival at the Salone del Mobile (to the left) and the exhibition of tapestries by Kamy, at the Brazilian stand located in the pavilion 18 (on the right).

Photos: Regina Galvão.

But the main attraction, of course, the Furniture Salon, located in an extensive futuristic pavilion, designed by architect Massimiliano Fuchsia. Brazilians cannot miss visiting the pavilion 18, where the Brazil stand is located and brings together numerous companies and brands.


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