New colors Metro Eliane!

The Metro Eliane just won new colors! The amazing Raspberry tones, Deep Blue and Jade arrive to complete the collection of tiles dearest of Brazil. Now you have a whole nine different options to choose the one that suits your taste, style and environment.
If before the subway already pulled sighs as he went, imagine now with these releases? The contrast between the model's vintage touch and super modern colors can make it even more irresistible. Just take a look to better understand what we mean:
Remembering that our subway tiles are also available in classic and beloved Metro White (finishes shiny and matt), Cream, Black, Gray and also the colorful Blue and Red! more separated some shared images on Instagram, Metro is very successful there! To see more designs, follow him @elianerevestimentos and check out the hashtags #metroeliane e #metrowhite!
How not to love? <3