+ 55 (48) 3447-7777
Street Maximiliano Gaidzinski, 245
ZIPCODE 88845-000 – Centro
Cocal do Sul – SC - Brazil
Office hours
Mondays through Fridays, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5.30 pm.
+55 (11) 2122-7272
Avenida Brasil, 526
ZIPCODE 01430-000 – Jardim America
Sao Paulo – SP - Brazil
Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00AM to 6:00PM.
Saturdays, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.
(71) 3493-4242 / 4202
Av. Urban Industrial 495, Industrial District
ZIPCODE 42.800-215
Camaçari – BA
Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5:30 pm
E-mail: railda.xavier@eliane.com
+1 (469) 900 5408
2075 McDaniel Dr Suite 110
Carrolton Texas 75006 – USA
Mondays through Fridays
US local time (CTD) from 8am to 5pm
E-mail: elianeeua@eliane.com
Rua Municipalidade, 985 – TV Wandenkolk
and Dom Coelho, Condomínio Edifício Mirai
Office, LIVING ROOM 512 – ZIPCODE 66053-180
Umarizal – Belém – PA - Brazil
Joana Paiva Setton
+55 (91) 98034-0008
Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 929 – Edifício
Libertas – LIVING ROOM 702 – ZIPCODE 30112-000 – Lourdes
Belo Horizonte – MG
Jessica Martins
+55 (31) 97325-0037
Av. Carmindo De Campos, 1887, Edifício
Cuiabá Casa, S/N – LIVING ROOM 10
ZIPCODE 78070-100 – Jardim Petrópolis
Cuiabá – MT - Brazil
José Luiz Pierri
+55 (65) 9 9972- 8491
Rua Desembargador Motta, 1499 –
Condomínio Edifício Terra De Santa
Cruz, Fit 206 – ZIPCODE 800250-060 – Centro
Curitiba – PR - Brazil
Sonia Bileski
+55 (41) 9 9243-4820
Av. C 208, S/N – Corner Street 131 – A, QS 262 A, LT 13
ZIPCODE 74255-070 – Jardim America
Goiania – GO - Brazil
Fernanda Gonçalves de Oliveira
+55 (62) 9 8183-8171
Av Conselheiro Aguiar, 1748
Av Conselheiro Aguiar. Av Conselheiro Aguiar
LIVING ROOM 1108 – Av Conselheiro Aguiar
Av Conselheiro Aguiar: 51.111-010
Recife – PE - Brazil
Samuel Cardoso
(83) 98191-1760
Alameda Salvador, 1057 – Edifício Salvador
Shopping Business – Torre America, LIVING ROOM 1710
ZIPCODE 41820-790 – Caminho Das Árvores
Salvador – BA - Brazil
Juan Carvalho Barbosa
+55 (71) 9 9291-0001
Rua Furriel Luiz Antonio Vargas, 380 – Living Room 211/213
ZIPCODE 90470-130 – Boa Vista
Porto Alegre – RS - Brazil
Mariana Borcelli
+55 (51) 98149 0005
Rua Lauro Linhares 2010, Living Room 307 a 310- Torre A
88036-002 – Trindade
Florianópolis- SC - Brazil
Edimara Santos
+55 48 9815-0003
Avenue of the Americas, 500
22795-090 – Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brazil
Indoor heavy commercial floors, including the areas FMC, FLC, FIR
Indoor wet residential and commercial floors
External facades, including the areas WRC and WID
Check in which places in the environment we recommend the use of this product:
Escolher um tipo de projetoAmbient | Area | Local Use |
Academia | Public bathroom | FMC / FWI |
Academia | Private bathroom | FLC / FWI |
Academia | Sauna | FMC / FWI |
Academia | Locker room | FMC / FWI |
Airport | internal circulation | FHC |
Airport | Internal disembarkation | FHC |
Airport | Boarding | FHC |
Airport | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Airport | Indoor bar | FHC |
Airport | Internal service circulation | FHC |
Airport | Entry | FHC |
Airport | Cafeteria | FHC |
bank branch | Service area | FHC |
bank branch | Bathroom sink | FHC |
bank branch | Entry | FHC |
bank branch | room with circulation (public) | FHC |
Auditorium | Main stage | FHC |
Auditorium | internal circulation | FHC |
Auditorium | Public | FHC |
Auditorium | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Auditorium | Entry | FHC |
Auditorium | Hall | FHC |
Auditorium | Cafeteria | FHC |
Butchery | Bathroom | FMC / FWI |
Public bathroom | Bathroom with shower | FHC / FWI |
Public bathroom | Bathroom without shower | FHC |
Public bathroom | Urinal | FHC |
Public bathroom | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Public bathroom | Locker room | FHC |
Public bathroom | Deposit | FHC |
Library | room with circulation (public) | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Stage | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | internal circulation | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Service | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Indoor bar | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Inner cabin | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Heavy material tank | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Reception | FHC |
Nightclub, club, show house | Dance room | FHC |
Rest home | Bathroom | FMC / FWI |
Rest home | Laundry | FMC / FWI |
Rest home | Locker room | FMC / FWI |
Cemetery and mortuary chapel | Jazigo | WRC / WFA / FIR |
Cemetery and mortuary chapel | covered patio | FHC |
Cemetery and mortuary chapel | Crematorium | FHC |
Cemetery and mortuary chapel | funeral room | FHC |
Social Club | Service | FMC / FWI |
Social Club | Bathroom | FLC / FWI |
Social Club | Swimming pool | WWS / FWI |
Social Club | Sauna | FMC / FWI |
Clinic | Laundry | FLC / FWI |
concessionaire | internal office | FHC |
Police station | Internal circulation area | FHC |
School / University | Circulation | FHC |
School / University | indoor meal | FHC |
School / University | Gymnasium | FHC |
School / University | covered patio | FHC |
Public place | Internal circulation area | FHC |
Public place | covered circulation area | FHC |
Public place | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Public place | planter | FHC |
Special | Chemical/biochemical laboratory | FHC |
Special | Here | FOR a WFA |
Stadium | internal circulation | FHC |
Stadium | indoor grandstand | FHC |
Stadium | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Stadium | Indoor bar | FHC |
Stadium | Entry | FHC |
Stadium | Cafeteria | FHC |
Gallery and museum | internal circulation | FHC |
Gallery and museum | internal exposure | FHC |
Gallery and museum | Entry | FHC |
Gallery and museum | covered patio | FHC |
Gallery and museum | Reception | FHC |
Gallery and museum | room with circulation | FHC |
Gymnasium | internal circulation | FHC |
Gymnasium | indoor grandstand | FHC |
Gymnasium | Indoor bar | FHC |
Gymnasium | Entry | FHC |
Gymnasium | Cafeteria | FHC |
Hospital | Bathroom | FMC / FWI |
Hospital | Entry | FHC |
Hospital | covered patio | FHC |
Hospital | room with circulation | FHC |
Hospital | Locker room | FLC / FWI |
Hotel e flat | restricted bathroom | FMC / FWI |
Hotel e flat | Swimming pool | WWS / FWI |
Hotel e flat | Sauna | FMC / FWI |
Industry | Industrial kitchen | FHC |
Industry | Fridge | FHC |
Industry | Food industry | FHC |
Industry | beverage industry | FHC |
Industry | dairy industry | FHC |
Industry | electrical industry | FHC |
Industry | general industry | FHC |
Industry | heavy industry | FHC |
Industry | Chemical industry | FHC |
Industry | thermal industry | FHC |
Mechanical workshop | internal office | FHC |
Fuel station | Service | FHC |
Fuel station | Deposit | FHC |
Fuel station | Cafeteria | FHC |
Fuel station | Store | FHC |
Fuel station | Covered supply lane | FHC |
Prison and penitentiary | internal circulation | FHC |
Prison and penitentiary | indoor meal | FHC |
Prison and penitentiary | Service | FHC |
Prison and penitentiary | Bathroom | FHC / FWI |
Prison and penitentiary | Locker room | FLC / FWI |
Residential | Service area (laundry) | FWI |
Residential | Bathroom | FIR or FRUIT |
Residential | Internal staircase | FIR or FRUIT |
Residential | Swimming pool | WWS or FRUIT |
Residential | Facade (above 3m tall) | WFA |
Residential | Facade / Wall (until 3 m high) | WFA ou WRC |
restaurant and bistro | Service area | FHC |
restaurant and bistro | Kitchen | FHC |
Shopping center | internal circulation | FHC |
Shopping center | indoor meal | FHC |
Shopping center | Internal service circulation | FHC |
Shopping center | Heavy material tank | FHC |
Shopping center | Entry | FHC |
Shopping center | indoor parking | FHC |
Shopping center | covered patio | FHC |
Supermarket | internal circulation | FHC |
Supermarket | Internal service circulation | FHC |
Supermarket | Deposit | FHC |
Supermarket | Entry | FHC |
Supermarket | indoor parking | FHC |
Supermarket | Reception | FHC |
Supermarket | room with circulation | FHC |
Public transport terminal | internal circulation | FHC |
Public transport terminal | Internal disembarkation | FHC |
Public transport terminal | internal boarding | FHC |
Public transport terminal | Bathroom sink | FHC |
Public transport terminal | Entry | FHC |
Public transport terminal | Cafeteria | FHC |
Public transport terminal | covered patio | FHC |
Public transport terminal | room with circulation | FHC |
Public transport terminal | room without circulation | FHC |