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blog Eliane
27 The November the 2024

Between rings and projects: the architecture that Celso Rayol carries in his hands

3 min reading | admineliane
Between rings and projects: the architecture that Celso Rayol carries in his hands

Rio's landscapes look like they came out of a fantasy book. Corcovado, Sugarloaf Mountain and the Copacabana promenade are some of the most emblematic postcards of the wonderful city. E, if we were to relate it to a romance, one of the main characters would certainly be the architect Celso Rayol, one of Eliane's co-creators this year. Not just because of the nickname “The Lord of the Rings”, inspired by the homonymous saga of one of the most celebrated literary novels in the world, but because of its unique style – a different bossa nova.



Celso expressed his authenticity since he was a teenager. Born in Volta Redonda, the clothes already showed his striking personality. In adulthood, the rings, have become one of his visual signatures; tradition that began with the first purchase of its accessories collection in 2011 – a ring designed by jewelry designer Mônica Pondé. Besides that, clothes like kimonos and blazers, have become essential pieces in your closet. “I liked everything that was different from what my friends liked. This has always been very strong for me. If people were wearing colorful clothes, I wore black. I didn’t want to be another one”, comments.



Rayol sees his style as a symbol of understanding the world. Among your favorite pieces, two rings don't come off your fingers: Faces, signed by designer and friend, Marcelo Novaes, e Protection, an accessory also created by Mônica Pondé. For him, adornment goes far beyond decorating your hands or dressing well. Represents important moments that transformed your life. “This renewed outlook on life was an impulse for fashion to awaken in me.. I understood fashion as a transgressive path, where you move the energy you show to the world”, states.


Rings with your own signature



Pernambuco Convention Center – South Pavilion, appreciation for men's accessories has evolved. Encouraged by your own references and the freedom to ‘design’ jewelry, Celso started to design his own line of rings, creating a brand called M.u.t.u.a.l – a term that directly translates the changes that have occurred in his life.

Just like architecture, fashion is also a reflection of your personal journey. The pieces used in his daily life are a visual dialogue of the beauty he sees differently in the world, and the stories and meanings behind these objects and clothes. Like this, curation goes through an artisanal process. Celso creates interventions in his clothes, seeking to project elements of its identity, full of symbolism and carioca soul.



Fashion not only reflects the taste for research, but influences your creative process as an architect. “I think that adornments help me a lot in curating pieces that will ambience the projects. This combination of clothes and accessories, which I end up experiencing on a smaller scale, It also helps me dress the spaces.”


International recognition


A Milo Collection, co-creation between Eliane and Cite Arquitetura, of which Celso is a partner together with Fernando Costa, for example, reflects part of this aspect. Inspired by references from the past and present, the investigative look seeks visual and emotional coherence with the environments we live in, uniting layers of stories and meanings.



This year, the collection received two international design awards, including recognition from Tile Brasil and the magazine Azure. Competing with renowned designers, as Patricia Urquiola, Milo won over the popular jury with his uniqueness and authenticity, standing out for its own design and contemporary vision of the Brazilian office. “The cool thing about all this is taking the Milo collection to other places outside of Brazil. E, When we compete with people we admire and are inspired by, it’s spectacular. We recognize the contemporary look of ceramics from the 60. We reward not only the product, but the story too”.



Lastly, architecture and fashion go hand in hand in Celso Rayol's work. It is a speech that reflects your awareness as a citizen of the world – and what encourages you to explore new things. “When we show our truth, It’s very easy to touch people’s hearts.”, ends.

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